Saturday, November 12, 2011

the final stretch...

It's hard to believe that we are exactly 8 weeks away from meeting Gabe! I promise posts will be much more plentiful when I have a really cute baby model of whom I will post millions of  pictures.
Some updates:
BABY SHOWER IS SUNDAY! Whoa, where did the time go?! I am so excited to see my family and friends and to shower baby Gabe with so much love.

I have been worried about every little thing since the pregnancy began, but it has been worse lately.  Being a diabetic has always had its challenges, but being a pregnant diabetic is just more difficult than I could have ever imagined. I have started weekly doctor's appointments, so at least my mind is somewhat eased when I see that perfect wiggle worm and hear that heartbeat. 

I am halfway done with my second long term clinical rotation! YAY! I am loving it (though I am exhausted, and my feet look like tree trunks by the end of each day).  One step closer to being DR. HOCHSTETLER and having an income :)

Michael is the PERFECT husband.  I am so blessed to have married such a wonderful man who takes care of me and helps out with EVERY household chore when I just want to put my feet up and relax.  I never knew I could love someone so much.  The only drawback: hunting season.  I am so dang bored on the weekends!

We appreciate the continued prayers as we finish this crazy ride, and we are so excited to have a healthy baby in January!  Oh, and I can't wait to have some (a lot of) wine haha

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